Student group registration for the 2023-2024 school year is closed. Please contact the CSR Vice President, Timothy Nakla, at [email protected] if you have any questions. Please direct all funding questions to [email protected].
Requirements for Registering a Student Group Mission statement: Student organizations should aim to enhance the experience of medical students at CWRU through community engagement and education. Groups that meet these ideals will be eligible for CSR funding.
Contact information: The names and emails of 2 student leaders who will serve as primary points of contact. The name and email of a faculty or professional advisor. The advisor cannot be a student.
Signatory information: The names and emails of 10 current CWRU medical students who are willing to support your organization. This can include student leaders.
Please ensure that there is not another student group with the same or similar goals to the one you are hoping to form.
How to Request a New Group Go to
Scroll down and click “Group Maintenance Form”
You will then be prompted to sign in.
On the Group Maintenance Request page, you will select “Request a new group” if your group does not exist on CampusGroups. Select “Student-led organization” and enter other details specific to your group.
For “Desired Recognizing Organization”, select “Other Student Groups”. For “Additional Recognition”, select “School of Medicine (CSR)”.
For AY Questions, when it asks “Where will the funds come from for your group?”, select “Student Activity Fees”.
Select “Molly Simmons” for CWRU staff advisor who will monitor the groups’ finances on a regular basis.
Select the default OPR account for your student group.
For the question, “If the agency fund is closed where should the excess money be returned”, enter AGY823070.
All other details should be entered specific to your group.